addiction Education and Inspiration by  Emmanuel s. John, ma, msw, lcsw

Addiction in the Family

Where families find the insights they need.





A handbook for anyone that loves an alcoholic or addcit


Self-Assessing, A users guide to the truth

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25% off, w/free shipping.

     My name is Emmanuel S. John, MA, MSW, LCSW.  As a therapist with more than 35 years of experience in the addiction field I have attained many treatment insights and recovery tools that I would like to share with you.  When I began considering retirement I was bothered by the fact that I had gained a lifetime of valuable experience in the field and that I was about to withdrawal it from public use. It is information that is obviously still in great demand in our society today and into the foreseeable future.  That is why I have written both; Addiction: Why They Use and Addiction: Am I Powerless.  My clients and the treatment programs I have worked for have been very successful and fortunate as we have achieved a lot of long term recovery and even some lifetime successes.   I can’t help everyone personally and I won’t be around forever, but my insights can still be utilized and shared with you through these books and free videos.  Please read the books; I wrote them for you and the people you care about.  I wrote them because I distain what addiction does to people lives and beause I know the suffering can be treated.  

Thanks for visiting the site: I am sorry that you found it necessary.  I hope these books help; they are designed to provide practical solutions and insights that have been time tested and proven to help with all the various struggles related to addiction in the family. While I can't guarantee you will like all the information you read you can trust that I am telling you the truth because I've been where you are.   

Emmanuel S. John

I have spent more than 30 years helping families in the addiction treatment field and in their 12 Step programs. During this time I realized that there were certain important topics and perspectives that all the families benefited from knowing: Simple tools that worked for everyone.  I know most people won’t seek real help until things are really bad so I put all these tools together in two carefully crafted books.

These books work separately or together to aid struggling families to unify under a common set of goals and tasks.  They literally put everyone on the same page.  They create a common set of perspectives to solve a complicated set of  problems. These books will guide you through a set of helpful objectives that are necessary to achieve long term successful outcomes in the insidious battle against addiction.

I have worked in both in-patient and out-patient addiction treatment.  I know first hand that this information works and that it is valuable to suffering families; my client’s successes have proven it.  I know the key tools that treatment providers strive to impart to their clients and now

you will too.  Let my 30+ years of experience work for you.  


These two books contain more helpful information then most clients will receive in their first 8-12 therapeutic sessions; provided they continue treatment for that long.  All this information and experience comes to you for the price of a single co-pay and in the privacy of your own home.


I have trained and supervised countless therapists and I have put together the content that I taught them, for you.  Even if you choose to seek professional care this information will undoubtedly enhance that process and make your work with the therapist or counselor much more effective.  Even now, I encourage my addiction clients to read these books before they start treatment with me or with anyone else.  


These books will save you time, energy, money and torment. They're specifically written to reduce suffering. The information in them allows the counseling process to proceed in as expeditious a manner as possible.  If you have not sought professional treatment these books were written to help you choose the treatment options that are best for you and your family.  They will give you the insights and straight forward directions necessary to determine the best treatment path for you or your loved ones.  They will help you understand what will work

best to meet your individual or family needs.

Please read them!

I hope you find success in your efforts. 

Emmanuel S. John